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A Date Night

October 7, 2010

Love is in the air! Do do do, do do do, Love is in the air!”

I don’t know why that cheesy song came to mind. 😉

Last week, C and I had a little talk.  Although we’re living together, our busy schedules of me riding, him doing his workouts and the fact that he commutes, we don’t really actually spend good quality time together from Mon-Fri.  So In attempt to break our week-night routine of eating supper separately (because he is usually late with his workout schedule) and dub Wednesday nights “date night”.  The plan is to make it our one night in the middle of the week to spend some quality time together, eat a meal together (at the table no less) and just reconnect a little bit. 🙂

So tonight was our first ‘date night’.

It was my night off from riding, so I went straight home and started to prep supper and dessert.

On the menu: Turkey Enchiladas and an Apple/Strawberry Crisp for dessert.

The enchiladas were made based on my recipe here. C loves this recipe so much that it pretty much makes its way onto our plates at least once every two weeks. 😉

As for the apple/strawberry crisp, it’s just a little something I whipped up. Easy peasy! 😉

First I peeled and sliced up a mac and put it into my casserole.  Next, I added some already sliced straberries, a spoon of cinnamon and a dash of sugar. I stirred it all together and my base was ready.

Next up was the topping. Unfortunately for you readers, I didn’t measure anything. (oops!) I used probably about 1C of oats, a few tbsp of brown sugar and whole wheat flour and then mixed in about 1 tbsp of butter to make it crumbly. The topping went on my fruit base and then I sprinkled about 1/2C of water onto the top before baking at 375 for about 35 minutes.

It smelled just heavenly as it baked and turned out to be the perfect date night dessert! 🙂

Unfortunately the rest of date night did not go as planned due to me completely passing out on the couch at 9pm and getting kicked up to bed. :S oops!  I just can’t seem to catch up on the sleep I lost on the weekend! Thank goodness I’m off work tomorrow meaning an extra long 4 day thanksgiving weekend is upon me! 🙂

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